Logging Like a Pro: Exploring the Types of Console Logs in JavaScript


2 min read


In JavaScript development, console logs play a crucial role in debugging, logging information, and gaining insights into code execution. This article will explore the various types of console logs supported by JavaScript, their distinct features, and how they can aid in effective debugging and development.

Standard Console Log

The most commonly used console.log() function allows developers to print messages to the console. It accepts one or more parameters, which can be strings, variables, or objects. This type of console log is useful for general logging and displaying variable values during development.


console.log('Hello, world!');

Console Log with String Substitution

String substitution enables developers to include dynamic values within the log message using placeholders and corresponding variables or expressions. This helps in creating more informative and dynamic console logs.


const name = 'John Doe';
console.log('User: %s', name);

Console Log with CSS Styling

JavaScript allows the application of CSS styles to console logs, making them visually appealing and easier to distinguish. Developers can use CSS syntax within console.log() to apply various styles, such as font colour, background colour, and text formatting.


console.log('%cStyled Log Message', 'color: blue; font-weight: bold; background-color: yellow;');

Console Log with Object Representation

To log complex objects and their properties, developers can use console.dir() or console.table(). console.dir() displays an interactive representation of the specified object, while console.table() presents tabular data for arrays or objects with tabular structures.


const person = { name: 'John', age: 30 };

Console Log with Warning and Error Messages

JavaScript provides a console. warn() and console.error() functions to highlight warnings and errors in the console. These logs typically include stack traces, making them especially useful for identifying and debugging issues in code.


console.warn('Warning: Something went wrong!');
console.error('Error: Invalid input detected!');


Console logs are an invaluable tool for JavaScript developers, offering a range of functionalities beyond simple message printing. Understanding the different types of console logs and their capabilities can significantly enhance the debugging process, aid in logging complex data structures, and provide a clearer picture of code execution.

By leveraging console logs effectively, developers can streamline their debugging workflow, track variable values, and gain insights into the behaviour of their JavaScript applications.

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